Five conjectures are proposed on the text of four poems in the ‘Lygdamean cycle’ (= [Tib.] 3.1–6): 1.20 morer for minor, 4.5 uera monent sacrae, uenturi nuntia, sortes for diui uera monent uenturae nuntia sortis, 4.45 nescit for bachus, 5.8 laudatae for laudandae, and 6.55 nostris inimica querelis for nobis inimica merenti. Older readings and conjectures are defended at 2.15 (Huschke’s praefataeque for praefatae ante), 5.8 (Erath’s uidere for docere), 6.11 (Burman’s inire for mite) and 6.57 (quid cessas for cessas o).