What Weiss attempts to do in The God We Seek is to give a sort of phenomenology, to use his own word, of man's religious life. It is a philosophical anthropology more than a philosophical theology. I suppose I have, here and there, offered fragments of such a study, but in this book the focus is throughout on man's search for God as this search is found in the various religions. The primary emphasis is on the rivalry of religions, or of religion with philosophy, rather than the rivalry of philosophies. Comparative religion, not comparative philosophy, is the main approach. Still, Weiss is very much the philosopher in this book. He is philosophical in an existential way, with emphasis upon relevant experiences of a profound sort. His own systematic metaphysics is kept in the background. True, he speaks rather constantly of "substances" or "beings"; but then every philosophy must have a translation for this term. Even the Buddhists have it, and certainly Whiteheadians or Peirceans do. But on the whole the language is philosophically nontechnical or neutral, and this has its advantages. Incidentally, the discussion of religious language is penetrating and judicious.