Corruption cases that result in small state financial losses continue to end up in the Corruption Court without alternative solutions that are faster, simpler and cheaper, even though the Corruption Court is located in the provincial capital and the corruption trial process requires a lot of money. So that it is not commensurate between the costs of law enforcement incurred with the state financial losses incurred due to corruption. The method of this research approach is juridical sociological because the problems studied concern the relationship between juridical factors and sociological factors. The urgency of discontinuing the prosecution of corruption crimes with small state financial losses is that the prosecution of corruption crimes with small state financial losses is inefficient and the Discontinuation of Prosecution of corruption crimes with small state financial losses does not have a legal umbrella This is because there are weaknesses in legal substance, legal structure and legal culture. The reconstruction model for the termination of prosecution of corruption crimes with small state financial losses based on Prosecutorial Discretion by the Public Prosecutor in a Progressive Legal Perspective is the Reconstruction of Legal Substance, namely adding Prosecutorial Discretion by the Public Prosecutor as a manifestation of the Dominus Litis Principle can stop the prosecution of corruption crimes with small state financial losses where this has not been regulated in Article 140 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code, Reconstruction of legal structure, namely the delegation of authority from the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia to the Head of the High Prosecutor's Office as the controller of the termination of prosecution of corruption crimes with small state financial losses, Reconstruction of legal culture, namely changing the patterns of thought of public prosecutors from positivistic to progressive in exercising their authority. The recommendations in this study encourage the reform of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) related to the authority to discontinue prosecution by the Public Prosecutor and the need to make a regulation of the Attorney General related to the Discontinuation of Prosecution based on the Discretion of the Public Prosecutor.