Restoring Religious Values to Public Education: The Proposal of Richard John Neuhaus
Dissertation, University of Kansas (
Since about 1970, Richard John Neuhaus has attained considerable influence as a Christian public philosopher who persistently, coherently, and forcefully articulates the value of religion in public life. Since 1990 he has channeled most of his energy into editing First Things, a journal which he founded specifically for the purpose of advancing his religiously rounded public philosophy. ;His central purpose moves him to address a broad spectrum of issues, frequently including the condition of American public education. He is convinced that American public education as we know it has serious foundational flaws which cannot be fixed by tinkering with the existing system. He proposes to redefine and redesign the system to incorporate a wide variety of structures substantially freed from government control. Religious schools would be included in the reformed paradigm. ;This dissertation distills the basic components of Neuhaus's public philosophy and seeks to explain how it generates Neuhaus's convictions and proposals regarding education in America. Since the proposals conflict with current Supreme Court jurisprudence, a substantial section deals with this conflict and its implications for those who commit themselves to the Neuhaus program. This study generally affirms Neuhaus's ideas