A Critical Study of Some of the Most Important Versions of the Argument of the Righteous (in Farsi)
It was Ibn Sina who used the term the "argument of the righteous" for the first time. However, it was Mulla Sadra who explained it on the basis of the fundamental principles of the transcendent philosophy in an innovative and most solid manner. His interpretation is superior to those of Ibn Sina and others in certain respects. This argument was interpreted and presented in different ways after Mulla Sadra; however, the writer believes that, given its philosophical premises, Sabziwari’s interpretation is the shortest, and, given its objective reality and needlessness of philosophical premises, ’Allamah Tabataba’i’s is the most direct one. The interpretations known as the arguments of the people of knowledge and theology (’kalam’) suffer from formal and content-related problems. Moreover, most of their discussions refer back to the principles and consequences given by Ibn Sina and Shaykh al-Ishraq. These interpretations did not create a basic change in the presentation of arguments on t