We consider questions related to the rigidity of the structure R, the PTIME-Turing degrees of recursive sets of strings together with PTIME-Turing reducibility, pT, and related structures; do these structures have nontrivial automorphisms? We prove that there is a nontrivial automorphism of an ideal of R. This can be rephrased in terms of partial relativizations. We consider the sets which are PTIME-Turing computable from a set A, and call this class PTIMEA. Our result can be stated as follows: There is an oracle, A, relative to which the PTIME-Turing degrees are not rigid . Furthermore, the automorphism can be made to preserve the complexity classes DTIMEA for all k 1, or to move any DTIMEA for n 2. From the existence of such an automorphism we conclude as a corollary that there is an oracle A relative to which the classes DTIME are not definable over R. We carry out the corresponding partial relativization for the many-one degrees to construct an oracle, A, relative to which the PTIMA-many-one degrees relative to A have a nontrivial automorphism, and one relative to which the lattice of sets in PTIMEA under inclusion have a nontrivial automorphism. The proof is phrased as a forcing argument; we construct the set A to meet a particular collection of dense sets in our notion of forcing. Roughly, the dense sets will guarantee that if A meets these sets and we split A into two pieces, A0 and A1, in a simple way, and then switching the roles of A0 and A1 in all computations from A will produce an automorphism of the ideal of PTIMA-degrees below A. We force A0 and A1 to have different PTIME-Turing degree; this will then make the automorphism nontrivial. An appropriately generic set A is constructed using a priority argument