In the lead article of the May‐June 2021 issue of the Hastings Center Report, Nancy Jecker and Caesar Atuire argue that the Covid‐19 crisis is best understood as a syndemic, “a convergence of biosocial forces that interact with one another to produce and exacerbate clinical disease and prognosis.” A syndemic framework, the authors advise, will enable bioethicists to recognize the ethical principles that should guide efforts to reduce the unequal effects that Covid‐19 has on populations. Drawing on sub‐Saharan African conceptions of solidarity, the authors lay out an approach to global vaccine distribution that prioritizes low‐ and middle‐income countries. Like Jecker and Atuire's article, an essay by philosopher Keisha Ray pushes bioethicists to recognize broader justice‐oriented responsibilities with the aid of a wide‐angle lens. Ray's essay focuses on contemporary examples of environmental injustices that sicken, disable, or kill Black people.