This article intends to return to Marx’s theory of the State to show that this author left us numerous and fruitful elements, the analyzes of which deserve to be meditated on today. From the conception of the State as an alienated expression of civil society to that of the organization of the dominant class, then from that of the apparatus or machine to that of the lever of the revolution, Marx’s interpretation has evolved to become more complex, and enriched. We should also know how to situate this State at the heart of the dynamic of capital accumulation, in particular through its role relative to money, itself located between value and profit, but also in its interventions in colonial and commercial policies. Finally, the article insists on the fact that capitalism is today in an impasse and doomed, its State being experiencing more and more difficulties in the face of the deep contradictions of this system. This is the reason why Marxism still remains an essential theoretical reference.