Beihaqi History is one of the masterpieces of Persian history & literature. The study of this work, by using different approaches and from various dimensions can have valuable results One of these dimensions is comparative study of this work’s narratives. In this article, historical events of “Bubakr Hasiri” & “Afshin & Budlof” are compared with each other. Therefore a summary of the two narratives come at first and then fictional aspects of the two narratives are analyzed. The results of this article show that two mentioned events have stable & coherent structure and although the general structure, characters and actions of the two events have many similarities, the narration style, characters introduction, description and setting have significant differences. It seems that writer’s use of referential language in Bubakr Hasiri whose events have happened in Beihaqi days, has made this story more historical, and in “Afshin & Budlof” which has happened before Beihaqi days and the writer was more free in narration, the use of emotional language has made the story more narrative and theatrical.