Chapter 21 completes the trilogy of Chapters 17 and 18—reaching from the individual, to community, and now, to global society as a whole. The Chapter explores the hidden ‘grammar’ of the economy and technology which have the power to structure ‘expression’ in social relations, meaning and action. Based on this analysis and confronting these hidden global frames for meaning, the Chapter seeks to demonstrate ways, sourced in the ‘local’, to build harmony at a wide social level and thus retune the disharmony caused by the current economic ‘neo-liberal’ paradigm. For it is only through building harmony across apparently disharmonious cultures and meanings that humanity as a whole can acquire its ultimate strength and resilience. As a metaphor, sympathetic vibration of each human source stimulates its surroundings to vibrate on the same wave-length. At its highest level of cohesion, mutual empowerment and inspiration, humanity reaches its sacredness, hence the sub-title of this book, “The Platform of Community, Humanity and Spirituality”.