Function Logic and the Theory of Computability
An important link between model theory and proof theory is to construe a deductive disproof of S as an attempted construction of a countermodel to it. In the function logic
outlined here, this idea is implemented in such a way that different kinds of individuals can be introduced into the countermodel in any order whatsoever. This imposes
connections between the length of the branches of the tree that a disproof is and their number. If there are already n individuals in the countermodel that is being constructed, the next individual has to be considered in its relations to each of the n old ones, creating 2^n different cases and accordingly at least 2^n different branches. Hence a disproof procedure of a polynomial length is normally not equivalent with an exponential one. Because every computation can be represented as a deduction with the same number of constant terms, the same holds for nondeterministic computations. Apparent exceptions seem to come about if a branch created by a new individual i is redundant. But when the disproof is a shortest one (contains the minimum number of different constant terms) then not introducing that idle term at all would result in an even shorter disproof, violating the shortness assumption.