Докса 2 (
The article attempts to analyze labor understanding of how to work based on the principle of Christian ethics. Economic activity is understood doubly: as the fulfillment of the curse of God and аs likeness of God. The author emphasizes that the main virtue in the Protestant work ethic as the basis decent coming lifestyle is hard work and analyzes the understanding of “work and activities” in the semiotics of Scripture.The article stresses that Protestantism has strengthened the moral emphasis on mundane work. Lutheran idea of moral duty destroyed precedence over austerity unearned labor duties of the laity. In place of disinterested apotheosis of labor, labor as a punishment for the sin of the human race, the apotheosis of labor comes in the name of enrichment, which is covered with references to God. Luther first declares that every human work is a service to God and neighbor. Protestant unwittingly opened the door to an era of universal rationalization contributed to the development of special rational-bourgeois style of thinking. The work has been viewed as the fulfillment of the divine will. Economic activity has sanctified, but a general duty to work was proclaimed a great social equation, a reminder that all men are created equal by God. Protestantism thus carried out a subjective synthesis of religion and human behaviors.