A Critical Investigation of Some Ethical Questions Related to the New Reproductive Technologies
Dissertation, Temple University (
Throughout most of history, reproduction has been a natural process that individuals simply could not control. This has been the first century when individuals have the ability to extend their reproductive options with AIH, AID, IVF. The ethical principles that were applied to human reproduction were founded on the assumption of natural reproductive conditions without human control. With the dramatic changes in the technology of reproduction and control of that process, it is imperative to re-examine the interpretation and application of the principles upon which the judgments of morality were made in the field of human reproduction. ;This investigation supplies a method for dealing constructively with moral disagreements in the NRTs. It examines what evidence, now available, both scientific and social, combined with rational argumentation about values, can offer a foundation for a demonstrable position on the NRTs. That is, it presents adequate reasons to acknowledge a basis for moral constraint on human behavior in the area of the NRTs in both clinical applications and scientific research