The influence of Husserl on the Russian Formalism and the Structuralism of the Prague School of Linguistics is especially manifest in the work of Jakobson. A direct literary dependence is traceable in the so-called „antipsychological” tendency, in the program of a Universal Grammar and in several questions of the theory of meaning. Objective points of contact can be found in the theses of the intersubjective and the associative constitution of objects, but also concerning the central topics of Husserlian phenomenology, the analysis of essence (the elaboration of invariants and universals) and the phenomenological attitude (e.g. in phonology the priority of the perceptual level against the articulatory (physiological) and the acoustic (physical) level). A comparison of Jakobson and Husserl yields not only a mutual confirmation of fundamental aspects of their linguistic and philosophical thought. It opens also interesting ways for further research in both fields