This paper develops the model theory of normal modal logics based on partial “possibilities” instead of total “worlds,” following Humberstone [1981] instead of Kripke [1963]. Possibility semantics can be seen as extending to modal logic the semantics for classical logic used in weak forcing in set theory, or as semanticizing a negative translation of classical modal logic into intuitionistic modal logic. Thus, possibility frames are based on posets with accessibility relations, like intuitionistic modal frames, but with the constraint that the interpretation of every formula is a regular open set in the Alexandrov topology on the poset. The standard world frames for modal logic are the special case of possibility frames wherein the poset is discrete. The analogues of classical Kripke frames, i.e., full world frames, are full possibility frames, in which propositional variables may be interpreted as any regular open sets. We develop the beginnings of duality theory, definability/correspondence theory, and completeness theory for possibility frames. The duality theory, relating possibility frames to Boolean algebras with operators (BAOs), shows the way in which full possibility frames are a generalization of Kripke frames. Whereas Thomason [1975a] established a duality between the category of Kripke frames with p-morphisms and the category of complete (C), atomic (A), and completely additive (V) BAOs with complete BAO-homomorphisms (these categories being dually equivalent), we establish a duality between the category of full possibility frames with possibility morphisms and the category of CV-BAOs, i.e., allowing non-atomic BAOs, with complete BAO-homomorphisms (the latter category being dually equivalent to a reflective subcategory of the former). This parallels the connection between forcing posets and Boolean-valued models in set theory, but now with accessibility relations and modal operators involved. Generalizing further, we introduce a class of principal possibility frames that capture the generality of V-BAOs. If we do not require a full or principal frame, then every BAO has an equivalent possibility frame, whose possibilities are proper filters in the BAO. With this filter representation, which does not require the ultrafilter axiom, we are lead to a notion of filter-descriptive possibility frames. Whereas Goldblatt [1974] showed that the category of BAOs with BAO-homomorphisms is dually equivalent to the category of descriptive world frames with p-morphisms, we show that the category of BAOs with BAO-homomorphisms is dually equivalent to the category of filter-descriptive possibility frames with p-morphisms. Applying our duality theory to definability theory, we prove analogues for possibility semantics of theorems of Goldblatt [1974] and Goldblatt and Thomason [1975] characterizing modally definable classes of frames. In addition, we discuss analogues for possibility semantics of first-order correspondence results in the style of Lemmon and Scott [1977], Sahlqvist [1975], and van Benthem [1976a]. Finally, applying our duality theory to completeness theory, we show that there are continuum many normal modal logics that can be characterized by full possibility frames but not by Kripke frames, that all Sahlqvist logics can be characterized by full possibility frames that contain no worlds, and that all normal modal logics can be characterized by filter-descriptive possibility frames.