If we take into account all chronologically relevant data, the book must have been written in 404, perhaps in 403 or in the winter of 405. A passage of Calv. enc. implies that Synesius was married when composing the essay as, in fact, he had been since 402 or 403. This terminus post quem is corroborated by the identification of Synesius’ Epistle 74 as accompanying letter for the Praise of Baldness which was sent after the author’s return to Cyrene in 401. Also, Calv. enc. shows a connection to Synesius’ Dion from 404. As for the terminus ante quem, it is set clearly by the war that broke out in 405, since Synesius would not have been able to write this hilarious literary piece under the conditions of war and most likely not even later in his lifetime.