Докса 2 (
The article is devoted to analyze of the possibility of the “hermeneutics of confidence” construction. It is proposed to use potential of the M. Bakhtin and M. Heidegger ideas. “Hermeneutics of confidence” outline is described on a contrast background “philosophy of suspicion”. The starting point of the analysis is the “third thesis” of A. N. Rogero, which he presented at a roundtable on hermeneutics: Hermeneutic understanding bearing text in the mind with trust. Understanding presupposes faith, credibility and confidence. One of the key positions of the article is the principle of “contemplation-inlove”. This is not just an emotional mood, but the modus of “logos of love”, that is inherent in the Humanities. “Contemplation-in-love” is essential point of the methodology of Humanities, dignity of humanitarian and philosophical sciences.