The aim of a comparison of two traditions is not an aim in itself. In the paper the,approximation" of two cultures has the role of a mirror of self-comprehension. Merleau-Ponty's intention to bring philosophy,down to earth" is implemented by the boundaries of ,,inner-outer" and crossing subjectivity and objectivity in the Cartesian paradigm. His phenomenology of the body is,understandable" or, better to say ,,elucidatory" through the term of pranayama - the yogic breath control. Emphasis on experiencing ,,movement in space" - dimensionality, is endorsing this relationship. Moreover, both approaches have a common point: reversibility - switch, or reverse - of the figure and the ground back and forth at will. In Merleau-Ponty's concept of the Jived body" the reversibility is a continuum of the world and the body and in yoga it is pranic inspiration-expiration experience