The prospectives of the philosophical and depth hermeneutics
The article shows, that the hermeneutical conceptions of H.-G. Gadamer, C. G. Jung and J. Derrida share the dialectic, imaginative and projecting conception of human experience. In this context Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics and Jung’s hermeneutically oriented analytical psychology emphasize the great importance of tradition, as well as of the mythical thought, and investigate the sense of human life which cannot be resolved by exact sciences, but can only be expe-rienced. The author argues that the hermeneutical theories of Gadamer, Jung and Derrida are closely connected with the analogous conceptions of the temporality and of the finitude of the human being. Special attention is also paid to Gadamer’s theory of the organic time. This theory, as well as Jung’s theory of individuation, is based on the conception of the cyclical process of life, a perpetual renewal of ba-lance and a recurrent return to the beginning, regeneration and rebirth. Therefore Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics and Jung’s hermeneutically oriented philosophy are prospective, stressing the most profound forms of temporal experience. According to the author we can find a certain analogy between Jung’s view on the energetic character of the world reality and Gadamer’s conception of the dialectical character of sprachliches Geschehen as the medium of hermeneutical ontology. The last part of the article reconstructs the hermeneutical aspects of J. Derrida’s philosophical thought and its importance for the theory of interpretation and for the crosscultural communication