The Impact of Feminism on Criminology and Victimology
Heard from Rombro shuttle to create a modern criminology also, traditional learning and crime victim study, which is the lack of female perspectives, because not only criminologists and sociologists mostly male victims, even the criminal justice practitioners are mostly men, because of this, criminology and the victim is male-centered theory of mind. For example, Rombro shuttle that said: degradation of women than men, more mature, less a sense of, than ignorance, even though in general, more women than men is not a criminal, but a group of female offenders who lack femininity women offenders is a poor creature, women committed a crime, there is more similar to men's appearance, feelings and spirit. For the same reasons, many of the victims have advocated the theory that women victims of crime the criminal process, is to stimulate the crime occurred provocateur, so the crime was committed, they must take responsibility. However, this situation after the women's movement, has been changed, feminist point of view of criminology and victims learn to balance the previous incomplete academic and practical point of view to enrich the rationality of criminal justice, criminology and become Studies with the victim in one of the most important mainstream. It has been for a long time since Cesare Lombroso launched the modern criminology, in the field of traditional criminology and victimology were extremely lacking of the viewpoint of female. Not only most of criminologists and victimologists are male but also most of the practitioners in the criminal justice system are male. For these reasons, all criminological and victimological theories are male-center. For example, Cesare Lombroso believed that women were more likely than men to be atavists and that "even the female criminal is monotonous and uniform compared with her male companion, just as in general woman is inferior to man. "By the same token, victimological theories advocate that the female victims are precipitate in the scenario of crime. In other words, the concept of victim precipitation implies that in some but not all crimes , the victim provoked or instigated the crime therefore the female victims must take most responsibility of criminal events. However, this situation has been changed by the impact of female rights movement. The feminist work in criminology and victimology represents one of the most important advances in the field