RESUMO O artigo propõe uma leitura do trabalho do teórico pós-colonial Edward Said por meio de um olhar bakhtiniano. Ainda que Said e Bakhtin tenham se engajado de forma diferente na política de suas respectivas épocas e que tivessem ideias distintas sobre a relação entre ética e política, seus escritos abrangentes têm sido adaptados e suas ideias apropriadas por estudiosos em diferentes áreas - com frequência, as mesmas. Eles compartilharam a paixão pelo diálogo, explorando a alteridade e a exotopia, e acreditando na responsa-habilidade. O que o romance era para Bakhtin, o pianismo era para Said, como crítico musical. Said nunca desempenhou o papel de guia do consumidor ou de guardião. Era antes o par crítico ou o professor que atribui menções. A variedade de possíveis respostas do público sempre condicionou as suas. Em toda sua vida musical Said pensou como Bakhtin, talvez sem saber disso. As críticas musicais de Said eram, por definição, respostas ou réplicas. Eram híbridas, narrações e transmissões bivocais, mas também apropriações, como eram os romances aos olhos de Bakhtin. Os escritos de Said sobre música foram analisados à luz de vários conceitos-chaves de Bakhtin: dialogismo, endereçamento, responsa-habilidade e o papel do contexto.ABSTRACT The article reads the work of the postcolonial theorist Edward Said through a Bakhtinian lens. Although Said and Bakhtin engaged differently with the politics of their time and had different ideas on the relationship between ethics and politics, their wide-ranging writings have been adapted and their ideas appropriated by scholars in many different fields-often the same ones. They shared a passion for dialogue, for exploring otherness and outsidedness, and for believing in response-ability. What the novel was to Bakhtin, pianism was to Said, the music reviewer. Said never played the role of consumer guide or gate-keeper. He was more the peer reviewer or the grade-assigning professor. The multiple possible responses of the audience always conditioned his own. Said thought like Bakhtin all his musical life, perhaps without knowing it. Said's music reviews are, by definition, responses or rejoinders. They are hybrid, double-voiced narrations and transmissions, but also appropriations, as was the novel, in Bakhtin's eyes. Said's writings on music are analyzed in light of several key Bakhtinian concepts: dialogism, addressivity, response-ability, and the role of context.