Studied the essential characteristics of information and cultural Ukraine security. It is alleged that the higher the level of information culture of society that opposes aggression, the less chance the enemy to win the «hybrid warfare». This ratio is because the aggressor is trying to influence the cultural, legal, political and value foundations of society and the individual, his aim is to distort a person’s world with the help of the media. There are very important characteristics during the «hybrid warfare» such as information culture capacity for critical thinking, skills comparison and selection of information, search for sources of information and so on. Determined the main threats for the information and cultural security of our country. It is noted that the main threat to national security information – a threat to the impact on the other side of the country information infrastructure, information resources, society, consciousness, subconscious personality to impose the desired state of values, attitudes, interests and decisions in vital areas of public and state activities, manage their behavior and development in the desired direction for another party. Shown the correlativity of information culture and establishment of information security Ukraine in a «hybrid warfare». Proved that the Ukraine information and cultural opposition during the «hybrid warfare» has a value-civilizational nature when the values of «western» and «eastern» worlds factually collide. In the course of this struggle objectively transformed the nature and character of information culture, it becomes more militant, politicized, critical media and its increasingly entering the public debate, participate in civic events and so on. It is concluded that the level of information culture during the «hybrid warfare» causes social activity of man, its civic and political position. It is alleged that need in improving protection system information and cultural space of our country, especially its cultural value component due to the fact that the methods of «hybrid warfare» primarily aimed at the ideological orientation of the individual, its world view. So, to search channels impact on public consciousness aggressor uses a set of «scene lines» that are designed for different social groups, ethnic-national and religious communities etc. «Hybrid warfare» combines the techniques of information, psychological, economic wars and cultural expansion. If in the classic wars struggle was wagged for resources and territory, then in the non-classical «hybrid warfare» enemy seeks to conquer the public consciousness of a country, encode values and cultural guidance, distort its historical memory. For implementation the above objectives in «hybrid warfare» actively used information weapons. Overviewed basic approaches to understanding information weapons and especially its use against our country in the modern world. It is noted that the information weapon is particularly effectively acts against the country, which is in crisis in the public mind which dominates ambivalence of values, socio-political uncertainty. The use of information weapon is particularly effective when there is a state of confrontation between the political forces, crisis of moral and legal consciousness, weak patriotic elite, domination by low information culture among citizens.