Human beings are by nature enshrined in an inescapable world
hood web called
language. As a symbolic construction and human agenda setting in semantic space,
language ensures the application of social meaning, control, culture and social
knowledge. As a re
sult of the place that language occupies in the integration,
interpretation and internalization of convention for the state of affairs of sociality, it is
not surprising that
has always been an attractive area and a fascinating topic for
philosophers. T
he history of philosophical thinking about language is almost impossible to
separate from the history of logic and indeed the entire history of philosophy. This piece
argued that human beings do not live in the world without the agency of language which
comes the medium of expression within particular societies. It is based on this
understanding (that the real world of a people is based on their language habits) that this
paper employed Igwebuike as an ontological toolbox that forms the trajectory system
the Igbo
African world. Within the context of Igbo
African philosophy of language, this
piece argued for the necessity of the use of the word “Igwebuike” as it captures and
communicates the Igbo
African world. Igwebuike is the form (and symbolic) of the
African mental being, and thus, the gateway to Igbo
African philosophy. Beyond the
literal understanding of Igwebuike (Igwe
number; bu
is; ike
strength) as ‘there is
strength in number’, it captures the Igbo philosophy of relationality, complementar
and interconnectedness of reality. The objective of this work is to discover the centrality
of language within philosophy and thus give correct bearing to philosophy. For the
purpose of this piece, the Igwebuike holistic approach will be employed.