The integration of digital technologies in libraries represents a transformative move in the way information is accessed, disseminated, and preserved. The main purpose of the study is to examine the impact of digital technologies on resources and services of public libraries in Anambra and Imo States, and five specific objectives were formed to guide the study. Survey method was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprises of all the library staff both professional and para-professional staff of Anambra state and Imo state public library board (Headquarters) and there are fifty-eight (58) in number. The entire fifty-eight (58) was used as sample size, census enumeration was adopted. The instrument for data collection for the study was the four point modified likert rating scale. The researcher administered the questionnaires through the help of research assistant. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics for calculating the mean. Mean score above the expected or criterion mean of 2.5 was accepted while those below the value were rejected. Diffusion of Innovations Theory by Everett Rogers (1962), guided the study. The findings of the study revealed that the overall digital awareness, as indicated by the grand mean, is moderate, with a score of approximately 1.82 and that the extent of digital integration in the two public libraries is on low extent. The study recommends that that effort should be made to enhance awareness and access to online cataloging, digital lending, and library websites/apps to improve the overall digital literacy and engagement of library users. This may include conducting targeted outreach and educational programs to inform users about these services and their benefits. The library should consider investing in improving its computer facilities for public use, ensuring that patrons have access to up-to-date and well-maintained computers and internet connectivity.