The Role of the Univocality of Existence in Theological Discussions
Undoubtedly, Islamic philosophy discusses the essential aspects of being within its own historical framework and considers the predicates of its problems as essential accidents of existence. Some of the issues propounded in philosophy are peripheral, and some others are primary and fundamental. One of the primary but influential issues is the univocality of existence. Commitment to either of them might have some constructive or destructive consequences.According to Mulla Sadra, the univocality of existence is a prerequisite for entering the field of metaphysics and theology in conceptual and judgmental terms. Moreover, negating it requires denying the knowledge of Almighty Necessary to the intellect and the existence of that First Cause to the world in absolute terms. Some of the basic arguments on the oneness of Almighty Necessary and the mode of the application of the ontological attributes and concepts abstracted from possible existents on His Existence are also based on the univocality of existence. The present paper deals with the concomitants of the theory of the univocality of existence in the domain of theology in its particular sense.