Community Radio Broadcasting and Effective Parliamentary Leadership in Nigeria’s Democracy
This objective of this paper is to appraise the use of community radio broadcasting and to recommend it as an effective tool for improvement of parliamentary leadership in Nigeria’s democracy. Parliamentarians in Nigeria seem to lost focus of strategies for effective leadership and have not significantly employed the use of community radio broadcasting as an effective tool for carrying their subjects along. The paper adopts a simple analytical method using secondary sources, including original articles on community radio and other books on related issues to elicit data. The focus of the research provides answers to the following questions: Does community radio exist in the constituencies of parliamentarians? What other avenues exist for parliamentarians to relate with their subjects? To what extent is the parliamentarians’ relationship with their subjects effective? To what extent have parliamentarians effectively used community radio to carry their subjects along in leadership? The study concludes that there is a dearth of community radio and community radio use by parliamentarians in Nigeria. The paper recommends the establishment of more focused community radio stations by governments and communities to enhance or bridge the communication and leadership gap between parliamentarians and their constituents.