Human Soul's all-Comprehensiveness and Manifesting Nature
According to philosophers and gnostics, man's soul is the loci of God's theophany, for it reflects its creator in terms of essence, attributes, and acts. They have clarified this reality by resorting to some hadiths such as: 'One who knows himself has certainly known his God'. However, there is still great room for more work to be done in this regard in gnosis, since 'the perfect man' is one of the most important issues discussed in this field. Besides, philosophers and gnostics believe that man's existence is compatible with the entire world. Accordingly, they consider it as the microcosm, which is compatible with the macrocosm. Some of them view man as the macrocosm and the world as the microcosm, as well.The emanation of extraordinary acts from man's soul is one of the important topics which philosophers and gnostics have extensively discussed. They have also tried to interpret and justify the prophets' miracles in the light of this reality.