Justice and wisdom are from the most important Divine attributes on which there has been a lot of debate. They have received the greatest share of inquiries, as they are basically questioned from a conceptual aspect, as said that the two attributes are very closely linked to each other, so that many scholars may confuse this with that. In fact, there may be many who do not differentiate between them, where they are taken as synonyms of same one attribute. However, there are others considering them to be different attributes. Then, what is the reality of these two attributes? And What is the relation between them? As for the existence of these attributes in the field of guardianship creation, it requires that the system be better and more adequate that all the creatures in the world be manifestations of what comes under the concepts of perfection, welfare, good, and purposiveness. As for legislations, they must be in accordance with the most perfect system, where they must be in conformity with the purposes of the creation of man. At the end, we get to the reality of the divine justice and wisdom, and the relation between them and that they are neither synonymous, nor completely different, but there is a linear regulation between them; for wisdom is an attribute that combines the two positions of the Divine Entity and action, and is wider than justice which is an attribute of action.