In the realm of Indian philosophical speculation, the contribution of Jainism is significant. As we are searching for effective leadership in organizations, we can get insights from Jaina scriptures. One such model of leadership is Panchsheela, which is the fundamental principle of Jainism. ‘Panchsheela’ means five principles or vows which form a practical code of conduct for a leader in an organization. These five principles also known as Panchmahavrata are (a) Satya, (b) Ahimsa, (c) Asteya, (d) Aparigraha and (e) Brahmacharaya. If a leader follows these five principles, it can help him manage his organization in right and fair manner and will lead to its growth and development and eventually bring success to the organization. Therefore, these principles need to be imbibed in organizational culture by formulating policies and procedures based on them. An attempt has been made in this article to discuss managerial implications of these vows along with cases of companies where these principles are observed or transgressed.