Oneness or Separation of the Graded Unity and Individual Unity of Being in the Transcendent Philosophy
Mulla Sadra has spoken of both the graded unity and individual unity of being in his works to explain the order of being. The scholars working on Sadrian philosophy have always faced the following questions: "Which of the above unities represents the main and ultimate model of being in Mulla Sadra's view?" and "Are these two issues basically two interpretations of a single reality or completely different from each other?"The writer, in addition to clarifying the two common views of the distinction or similarity between the graded and individual unities of being has tried to present and demonstrate a third approach in this regard. According to this approach and through resorting to the basic principles of Transcendent Philosophy, he denies the gradation of being and introduces the individual unity of being as the only model that is in conformity with Sadrian philosophy.