What is a person?: untapped insights from Africa
New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Caesar A. Atuire (
Stepping back from the above analysis, it is helpful to ask whether the shift to a more individualistic conception of persons carries traction for those who do not share its religious underpinnings. Judeo-Christian personhood was grounded on the idea that all and only human beings are made in the image of God (imago dei); for contemporary secular philosophers, there seems to be no corollary justification for claiming that all and only human beings qualify as persons. Some contemporary Christians, such as Noonan, have sought to defend an exclusive moral status for human beings by arguing that possessing the human genetic code affords the secular underpinnings for such a position. Yet, this proposal was eventually rebuffed as 'speciesist.' 'Speciesism,' a term coined in the 1970s by Ryder and popularized by Singer, is the position that assigning moral standing on the basis of species membership is morally arbitrary.