At that time [around 1916-17—Ed.], Cai Jiemin [Cai Yuanpei—Ed.] took office as president of Beijing University, and directed his efforts at breaking away from the school's stale and decayed atmosphere. The Xin qingnian zazhi operated by Chen Duxiu had ideological revolution as its main objective, and gradually drew the attention of the general public. And there was also the article entitled "Guoren zhi gongdu", published by Huang Yuanyong in Dongfang zazhi, which very bitterly castigated the roots of the maladies in China's ideological and academic circles. I was very much emboldened by the many unexpected views I encountered—views similar to my own haughty views that I had always kept well hidden. Although I had ventured to offer a few criticisms in the past, I was daunted by the oppressive force of traditional ideology, and I thought that the words of the ancients were perhaps not as simple as they appeared to me, or that there indeed were fallacies or errors in my observations. For instance, when I was taking exams at the Cun gu xuetang, and received a comment by the examinations official that "It is wrong to reproach Zheng [Xuan]"; I was constantly taking note of Zheng Xuan's fallacies, but I always felt a sort of respect for him … or [thought that] there were aspects about him that deserved respect but that these aspects had somehow escaped my attention. By this time, however, everyone was advocating ideological innovation. I myself began to acquire a perception of the need to get rid of old ways of thinking. I realized that it was precisely because scholars of the Qing dynasty had been bound by the old ideology of believing the ancients and venerating tradition that they had never dared to smash the idol that was Zheng Xuan, although their learning was a thousand time superior to his, and the encumbrances created by that idol had hindered their work of seeking the truth. And so I began to voice criticisms with greater courage and boldness.