How Liberal are Citizenship Tests
EUI Working Papers (
A significant number of –mostly Western European– countries have recently newly introduced
citizenship tests or have added stricter requirements of civic knowledge to previously existing
language tests. This working paper collects the contributions to a EUDO-CITIZENSHIP forum debate
on whether such tests can be defended from a liberal perspective. The question: ‘How liberal are
citizenship tests?’ can be interpreted in two ways: as a question whether applicants for naturalisation
should be tested at all, or as a question about specific modes, contents and consequences of such tests
that may make them either liberal or illiberal. In his kickoff contribution, Christian Joppke suggests an
answer in line with the second interpretation by focusing on modes and contents. In his view,
citizenship tests are defensible if applicants have reasonable opportunities to prepare for them and if
questions are not inquisitive about individuals values and beliefs. Other authors claim instead that the
most problematic feature of citizenship tests is the intention or effect of raising hurdles for
naturalisation among long-term resident immigrants. Joseph Carens defends the view that ‘the most
liberal citizenship test is none at all’. Ten authors have contributed to this lively and controversial
debate, which concludes with a rejoinder by Christian Joppke.