An attempt has been made to show that the Indian Law of Karma-an extension of the Law of Causality to the moral sphere, can solve the problem of free will. If interpreted as the double – account theory, man can be shown to be free and determined at any given time – free in the performance of present actions but determined with respect to the consequences that must necessarily ensue of actions previously performed. Unlike western theories of determinism which talk of man’s actions being determined and hence predictable before the action is performed, I have argued that determinism sets in only after actions are freely performed by the agent.Once performed, then even man’s will is determined for he must make choices and decisions that lead to his due in terms of rewards and punishments. It is hence prudent to be honest so as to ‘earn’ rewards and not ‘accrue’ setbacks in life. This law, like any other natural law, works mechanically by making the presumption of a divine arbitrator redundant.