El instituto de espiritualidad de la Gregoriana desde su nacimiento a nuestros días: Su aporte a la teología espiritual
The present work studies the history and pre-history of the Institute of Spirituality , from its origins as a special doctorate in the Faculty of Theology, to its birth as an autonomous Institute of said Faculty, structured with the grades of Diploma in Spirituality, Licence and Doctorate in the Faculty of Theology . It treats of the most important contributions of the Institute's professors who are best known internationally within the field of spiritual theology, such as J. de Guibert, L. Hertling, C. VI. Truhlar, L. Mendizábal, C. Bernard. The areas most fully developed by this Institute concern the object, method and specific scope of spiritual theology; the biblical foundations of spirituality and of the method and application of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola; the particularities of Ignatian spirituality and of apostolic spirituality; spiritual discernment, the charisms and graces of vocations to particular Institutes within the Church