The text examines how the integration of technology and artificial intelligence into school education fundamentally alters classical notions of the role and functions of education held by representatives of various scientific disciplines. The literature review is structured around the following research questions: 1) How do technology (including artificial intelligence) reshape the sociologist Emile Durkheim's thesis on the authority of the teacher and their role in the socialization of students?; 2) How does the presence of "superintelligent" technology relate to psychologist Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation and self-actualization?; and 3) How do technology weaken the role of school education in addressing societal inequalities – an idea, advocated by the philosopher John Dewey and his daughter and educator Evelyn Dewey? The report aims to serve as a starting point for future interdisciplinary empirical research in school education, with the goal of finding comprehensive and effective solutions for how technology and artificial intelligence can positively impact school education.