The reform of higher education continues in Ukraine more than a year; however it does not pay much attention to the changes in the teaching of philosophy. In the article the author investigates different technologies of the problem-based teaching of philosophy and its methods, substantiates the necessity of introducing such technologies in the teaching of philosophy and also shows the specifics of the application of such technologies during the teaching of philosophy at the Lviv National Polytechnic University. Any problem-based education is searching and cognition of unknown. It is based on mental, volitional, and emotional activity, but, above all, it requires to be interested in the subject of study. The author stresses that problem-based education can be practiced in small student groups, which have the sufficient level of interest and motivation to study philosophy. Also, the author introduces his own classification of problem solving tasks in teaching of philosophy, which will help to apply educational material in accordance with the level of students, for example: 1) problematic situations that contribute to the formulation of new concepts ; 2) historical and philosophical problematic situations - these are situations based on historical and philosophical material, when students compare the solution of some philosophical problem in the philosophy of a certain epoch, compare the approaches of different philosophers; 3) developmental problematic situations which help students to understand the logic of defining some philosophical concept, to understand one or another philosopher and his methods of creating concepts.