Language models in Russian linguistics
In the article, the models of the language system are described represented in the works of Russian linguists. Russian language models that formed by the end of the 20th century in Russian linguistics are quite different and even contradictive. Level model of the language system is leading among the reviewed; it is the basis of most studies of language units. Other non-hierarchic models of the language system is less well known. The model of language units representing the field brings together different levels of language units on the basis of their common features. Strategic setting can be semantic, functional or combination of both. The basis of the dynamic model is the idea of conceiving the order of the language system formation in the human mind. In the dynamic model of the language system, the criterion of quality is the time of forming special knowledge and skills in the speaker’s mind. In the multilayer model of the language, units are organized ‘in layers‘ and in the course of language dissolution we can trace their arrangement from the new complex forms to the deeper ones. Fourth non-hierarchical model is the associative-verbal network by Y. N. Karaulov. This model issuing from the fact that language is an open dynamic system. These models are an excellent illustration of General scientific principle of complementarity. Being so different, these models contribute to the creation of the general model both of the Russian and any other natural language.