The answer to the question “How is metaphysics possible?” can be obtained with the help of Kant’s transcendental method. Discussing the possibility of metaphysics, Kant distinguishes two modes of it: metaphysica naturalis and metaphysics as a science. Therefore, the possibility of metaphysics is divided into two sub-questions. Postulated by Kant, metaphysica naturalis, which underlies philosophy, associated with active “Kraft” of mind and roots in metaphysics of the language connected with the sense of language and its formal–structural nature. Thereby the man is homo metaphysicus. Before discussing the possibility of a “scientific” metaphysics it is necessary to consider, first of all, that metaphysics per se consists of metaphysica generalis and metaphysica specialis, and secondly, the development of it includes three historical modes: antiquity meta-physics, meta-psychology of modern era, contemporary metaphysics. The possibility of metaphysica generalis is manifested by specific ontological predicates, i.e. categories in the Kantian sense, which exist in our language. The possibility of metaphysica specialis is manifested by impredicative wholeness, or encompassing totalities, which determine the appropriate regional ontology.