Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing (
The Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organization Studies focuses on the interlinkages between feminist theories, methodologies and research methods. This ground-breaking Handbook analyses classic feminist theoretical texts and their methodological implications, as well as topical approaches to management and organization studies, including postcolonial feminism, critical race theory and new feminist materialisms. The book discusses what kind of methodological and methods related concerns different theoretical approaches call forth and highlights them through empirical examples. Featuring contributions from leading scholars in the field of management and organization studies, the book examines knowledge production through different theoretical perspectives, including standpoint feminism, feminist post-structuralism, postcolonial feminism, and queer analysis. Providing a critical and analytical lens through which to view traditional research practices, it offers insight into how to tackle ethical and practical issues related to feminist research. This book is a vital resource for graduate and post-graduate students in management and organization as well as gender and management. It also provides feminist scholars a comprehensive overview of the contemporary debates in the field. The book is a key resource for any student and scholar engaged in qualitative methodologies and research methods in management, and organization studies and social sciences in general.