As we know, one of the most important theories concerning the relation between religion and Morality belongs to Immanuel Kant. In this paper, after presenting some of the outstanding ideas on the relation between religion and morality, we introduce Kant’s theory. In first stage, his distinction between revealed religion and historical religion and his interpretation of religion makes it difficult to find his own creative view. Finally it will be known that the relation between Kantian morality and revealed religion is a non-historical one; they are two distinguished things and have no same origin. But through rational interpretation of revealed religion they could be compatible. But if his morality examined by the religion of they would be dual, each one has a separate origin and finally, the religion of practical reason would be depended on morality. In kants opus postumum, God is the same as practical reason and moral perfection and real happiness which is the prefect manifestation of practical reason in phenomenal realm, could be achieved in the moral commonwealth society.