In my engagement with Stefan Müller-Doohm’s Habermas: A Biography, I argue that Müller-Doohm presents Habermas’s life and theoretical development, demonstrating a line of continuity through Habermas’s first published book on the public sphere to his later work on communicative action, and how this theme provides a guiding thread throughout Habermas’s work and constitutes one of his major contributions to contemporary theory, which is also highly relevant to and intersects with Habermas’s activism. Further, he documents Habermas’s trajectory from his early theoretical works through his linguistic turn to the present. The study demonstrates how Habermas’s philosophical work from his early theory of the public sphere to his linguistic turn establishes Habermas’s theme of communicative action as a major philosophical contribution which has relevance for the many theoretical and political texts Habermas has produced in his long, distinguished, and immensely productive career. Yet, in a concluding critical section, I argue that Müller-Doohm does not adequately engage with Habermas’s theoretical conceptions, downplaying his philosophical achievements while failing to explore relevant theoretical literature and philosophical debates on Habermas that have accompanied his work for decades.