The first half of Chap. 2 introduces ecofeminist theory to debunk dualisms and explore the interface of speciesism and sexism. The second half surveys ancient philosophies (Asian, Middle Eastern, and Indigenous) for a richer understanding of interconnections, from the transmigration of souls in India and the radical oneness of Zen Buddhism, through the Great Unity and endless transformations of matter in Chinese religions, to the mythologies of South America and Africa and the unity established by the Creator in texts core to Middle Eastern religions. Finally, interconnections are examined through the lens of science, including quantum entanglement, Big Bang theory, and the endless transformations of matter. If oppressions are as interconnected as ancient philosophies and science indicate, there is no way to defeat any social justice concern—speciesism, racism, ableism, homophobia, or ageism—while activists perpetuate sexism.