By comparing numerous views regarding Critical Thinking, a clearer understanding of conceptual and structural similarities and differences among theories emerges. This meta-theoretical perspective reveals a relatively small set of complex issues dividing opinion, a framework of issues for characterizing the theoretical conflicts regarding CT. Facione identifies four of the key issues dividing his panel of fifty CT experts, issues concerning the components of CT, the relation of CT to the CTer, and the function of the term, 'CT'. Johnson reveals important points of discord, identifying four central issues concerning the relation of CT to other phenomena, the focus of CT and its relation to action, the relation of character to accounts of CT, and the function of the concept 'CT'. Six discernible sets of issues regarding CT are synthesized from these foregoing analyses. These issues concern: the components of CT; the relation of the phenomena/concepts 'CT' and 'CTer' to each other; the relation of CT to other concepts and phenomena; the focus of CT, and its relation to action; the function of the concepts 'CT' and 'CTer' in theory and practice; and pedagogical aspects of CT. This framework represents a research agenda, and provides the perspective necessary for the critical evaluation of accounts of CT, for resolution of the larger conflict, and so, for achieving a consensus regarding the nature and meaning of CT.Dept. of Philosophy. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1994.K52. Source: Masterss International, Volume: 34-02, page: 0542. Adviser: Ralph Johnson. Thesis --University of Windsor, 1994.