De Gruyter (
This volume contains the political works and the personal texts written by Benjamin Constant between June 1814 and July 1815. The collection is arranged into five thematic sections and placed in the order best suited to reflect their actual chronology. It comprises Constant's articles on the freedom of the press, his texts on the Kingdom of Naples affair, the two versions of the "Mémoires de Juliette", political texts written during the last few months of the Première Restauration, and writings published during the Cent Jours. The most important texts in the volume are the treatise "De la Responsabilité des Ministres", the "Acte additionnel aux constitutions de l'Empire", in which Constant was closely associated, and above all the 1815 version of the "Principes de politique applicables à tous les gouvernements représentatifs", one of his major political works. The volume rounds out with a chronology, annexes, a bibliography and an index of proper names.