Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag (
Theory of Science provides an accessible but systematic survey of perspectives on science and rationality through the arguments and ideas of leading thinkers of the 20th century, including Einstein, Carnap, Popper, Kuhn, Feyerabend, Hempel, Gadamer, Foucault, and Harding. The book also gives a critical introduction to scientific methodology, including the relationship between theory and observation, the problem of induction, hypothetic-deductive method, truth and progress, and explanation in natural and human science. The book covers the theory of science â?? part of the syllabus in Examen Philosophicum at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) â?? for which there has hitherto been no unitary text book in English. Theory of Science is also suited to use in other courses at various levels, as well as being of interest to a wider audience concerned with the philosophical and social problems of science.