New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers (
Description: In this short treatise on Sikh Ethics, the Adi Granth has been taken as the basic and main sourcebook of the Sikh moralcode. The path of life enunciated by the Sikh Gurus is the path of self-realisation or perfectionism; it is neither self-gratification or hedonism nor self-denial or rationalism. Emphasis in Sikh Ethics is laid on the practice of godly qualities. Their observance makes a human being godlike. The field of the body is to be cultivated for truthful life and spiritual advancement. All the senses are to be harnessed properly and the virtues of body, speech and mind are to be inculcated. The discipline enunciated by the Sikh Gurus is a universal discipline and requires the discipline to perform his worldly duties alongwith his spiritual progress; he has not to become a one-sided personality. He has to remain alert on all the three planes i.e., physical, mental and spiritual. The Sikh Ethics, in practice, brings before us an ideal person thoroughly balanced in physical, mental and spiritual cultures. Whereas he works as a healthy constituent of society, he also rises to spiritual zenith. In him, we find, an exact combination of action, knowledge and devotion. Contents Preface Chap. 1 : Sikhism-A Religion Chap. 2 : Justification of Sikh Ethics Chap. 3 : Godly Qualities-as Enunciated in the Adi Granth Chap. 4 : Sikh Concept of Virtue and Vice Chap. 5 : The Sikh Way of Life Chap. 6 : Social, Economic and Political Ethics Chap. 7 : The Ultimate Goal.