Філософсько-освітня методологія дослідження мережевої парадигми управління освітою
Схід 2 (128):150-153 (
Defining features of the research methodology of network management of education paradigm is the main subject of the article. First of all, we are talking about the need to adapt existing methodologies such as synergistic, systems analysis, activity approach, philosophical hermeneutic methodology. Their use requires consideration of social and cultural characteristics of network-information society and its education sector. The main reason for adaptation of methodologies is consideration of educational networking features, including horizontal interaction between actors in the educational process of combining resources for joint problem solving. Methodologies should also be put in the context of socio-cultural interaction between the content of modern and postmodern management practices to identify the peculiarities of the latter. Adapted methodologies make it possible to explore network management paradigm as polyarchical alternative of directive-administrative management of education