Any science should not be a thing-in-itself, a closed system of knowledge, which develops only on its own thinking ground and in closed, isolated communities from the realities of life. It should not serve as a field for speculative wits, which nowadays some people prefer, mainly religious youth, arranging online battles, self-defeating while gambling with the ones, that look: he who I am intelligent, how can I deal with even religious authorities and veterans. And the scientific works of such critics have a little and do not even show some of their ability to write them. Is it, and what percentage is the publication of the Department of Religious Studies and what is it is that it is admired by the fact that it is supposedly the only academic institution for religious studies, because, look, in Lviv at the Museum of the History of Religion there is even the Institute of Religious Studies. The religious studies of the area of their publications now often selects only Internet pages, it becomes the path of searching and chewing of what someone has already said. But I note: it's too easy to criticize someone in science, but to create something in it is not simple and not for everyone under their own minds. Maybe therefore, considering the latter, O. Pushkin once more remarked: "Praise and libel are accepted indifferently and do not challenge the fool." We will not! Let them self-sacrifice be satisfied!