Hannah Arendt: Figures of Alterity; the Private
e starting point of Hannah Arendt’s thought is, that being-human means being-in-the-world, whereupon we should understand the world exactly as the human world, as, therefore, the open space between human beings. e loss of this public-politic space is consequently also the loss of the conditions of humanity, the very possibility of being-human. Without the possibility of public speaking and action the human being is no longer of this world, it does not only feel excluded, but also loses the very right to have rights, it is not only apolitical, but becomes illegal, it breaks the norm with its very existence. I discuss »apoliticali- ty« as a »gure of alterity« in its variations and sub-versions. Because the political is classically dened as the domain of freedom, as the public Space in opposition with the private space, the question what the other of the space is rst and foremost includes the question what the other of freedom is and what the »expe- rience« of this otherness means. e other experience of freedom is not only transformative; freedom lies exactly in the possibility and capability of change and resistance towards the reduction onto the unchangeable. As a method of the discussion of the political its very occurring, its taking place is implemented